Please complete the following details as fully as possible.
1. Personal Details of DelegateName : __________________________________________________________ Address : _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Postcode _________________ Telephone : _________________ Email address : ____________________________________ Date of birth : ______________ Age at Conference: _____ years _____ months Ecclesia/Youth Circle ______________
2. Medical InformationPlease note any allergies, medical problems, medicines being taken, and any other information we should know about. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Vegetarian ? Yes / no Family doctor : Name ___________________________ Telephone ___________________________ Please Turn Over Declaration and Consent for Under 18s to be signed by parent/guardian1. Activities I understand that Delegates at the Hoddesdon Christadelphian Conference will be involved in a range of activities, including attendance at workshops, and other general activities at the High Leigh Conference Centre. I understand that whilst all activities will be supervised by the Committee, the Tutors and Session Leaders, delegates will be expected to behave in a careful and responsible manner at all times. Some photos and video may possibly be used in promotional activities and on our website, and I give permission for these to be taken and used. 2. Medical attentionIn the event of an illness/accident which requires emergency hospital or dental treatment and I cannot be reached or should the delay to obtain my signature be considered inadvisable by the doctor/surgeon/dentist, I, the undersigned, give my permission for my child to be treated by a licensed physician, and for the said physician to administer whatever care is necessary, including anaesthesia, for his/her safety and care. 3. Emergency contact details during Hoddesdon
NAME ___________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS (please state if you will be at Hoddesdon yourself) ___________________________________________________________________ Telephone : _____________________ Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian ___________________________________________________________________ Name __________________________________________________________________ Date _____________________
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